Membership Monday Zoom continues with Workshare and Endorsement Information

AFSCME Local 189 Membership Monday Updates:

Membership Mondays continue at 6:30 pm

In tonight's call we will be updating on the Current Workshare situation and be asking for feedback with Political Endorsements. 

Lastly our Executive Board approved some guidelines for holding electronic Membership Meetings. These may change or be updated as we work to have effective meetings and find improvements to how we as a Union continue to conduct our business. We will have our first official Zoom Membership meeting tomorrow @ 7:00pm 

please click the link below

This will be a online Zoom Meeting that can host up to 300 members where there will be updates and opportunity for Q and A as well. We will continue to make updates on Membership Mondays as  the State of Emergency continues.

Meetings are not public and membership is a requirement of attendance.

Meeting registration links will be posted to the 189 website, we will use the Zoom registration & authenticated user function to confirm membership.

If you are dialing in we will ask those phone numbers to ID themselves. Unidentifiable participants and Non-members will be removed from the meeting.

If you have any questions please join us or contact us for more info. (Leadership page)

Please Join Us for the Call

 In Solidarity & Community

AFSCME Local 189 Executive Board