Practice Picket A MASSIVE Success!

What can we say but "WOW!"  Our first major direct action of the bargaining cycle was a huge success!  When our fellow members when from work to practice picket at 4:30 on Wednesday, Oct 9, they were greeted by about 150 siblings and allies!  Among them were representatives from at least 8 other bargaining units, AFSCME locals and AFL-CIO sibling locals, strong pro-union candidates for Portland City Council, staff members from our state-wide union, and--of course--firce members of Local 189 from all across the city!   It was an unpresedented kick-off and a resounding show of support for our beleagered (but far, far from broken) Bargaining Team. 

Want to get in on the action?  Reach out to your Chapter Chair/MAT Captain for news of upcoming events.  

Winter's coming.  And the City's latest non-offers have certainly putting a chill in the air (check out the Bargaining News tab for the latest dets).  But we're warmed by this amazing show of solidarity and we'll be ready to act when the clock runs out on our current contract.