Call to ACTION!

Our first major direct action, on Oct 9 at Portland Water Bureau's Interstate facility, was a huge success, attended by around 150 members and allies.  But that effort is wasted if we don't keep up the momentum.  The next direct action will be Monday, November 4, from 4-6 p.m. at PPB Central Precinct (111 SW 2nd).  If you are an AFSCME Local 189 member, your co-workers and fellow members are counting on you to show the city that we stand united behind our bargaining team!  

Speaking of our bargaining team, the clock has run out on the legally-required  150 day bargaining period.  And, sadly, the city and our local are still quite far apart on several critical issues.  These include job security (outsourcing our work), shifts, overtime, layoff/recall protections, holidays, healthcare and life insurance, several leave-related articles, safety and sanitation, union representation, clothing and tools, professional development and--of course--wages. This is why our bargaining team has taken the next step--calling for mediation.  During mediation a state-appointed mediator will join any scheduled bargaining sessions to help facilitate good faith bargaining. Mediation must last at least 15 days before either side can declare an impasse. With so many important items still unsettled, the bargaining team is asking any and all members to complete a survey to help them determine which topics are MOST important to rank-and-file members city-wide.  Please don't put this off!  The sooner the bargaining team (these are our fellow members and co-workers) hear from you all, the better positioned they'll be to develop a strategy for keeping the contract needs that members, city-wide, care most about on the table

Want the "inside scope" on what actions are still in the planning stages?  Reach out to your Chapter Chair/MAT Captain about joining a Member Action Team in your workgroup.