Chapter Chair: Portland Building
Jonah has been with the City since 2004 and worked for 311 (formerly Information & Referral) since 2008. He's now the Front Desk Lead at the Portland Building. After years of active membership he attended the Labor Notes Conference in 2022 where he dove into union activism and became a Steward. As Steward, he made sure people in his work group weren't forced to work on their holidays, were granted greater scheduling flexibility, and engaged members and management to develop and implement front desk building alarm safety protocols. He was sworn in as Chapter Chair for the Portland Building in November 2023. Besides being very active on the Member Action Team (where he is a MAT Captain), he has served countless hours in support of our Local's Polical Action Committee. Jonah was recently elected to serve as our Local's Communications Editor during the 2025-2027 term.