Bargaining News 2024-2025

On January 29th, AFSCME 189 reached a tentative agreement with the City of Portland, avoiding a strike.  95% of voting AFSCME 189 members voted yes to confirm that agreement with 80% of members voting.  As soon as City Council votes to approve it, the agreement becomes the Collective Bargaining Agreement for AFSCME 189.  AFSCME's bargaining was guided by the values and goals articulated in our Bargaining Platform, which is based on responses to a survey that was conducted before bargaining began.


    Our union is not something that exists apart from it's membership.  We--AFSCME Local 189 members, collectively--ARE our union.  And what our union can and can't accomplish at the bargaining table (or anywhere else for that matter) depends entirely on action and engagement from individual rank-and-file members.  The more of us that get involved, the stronger we are collectively and the better outcomes we can acheive.  If you're watching something unfold and you're thinking, "someone ought to....", ask yourself if that someone might be you.

    • Join!  If you're represented by AFSCME 189 and you're not a member, join us!  Membership is what makes us strong together.
    • Attend General Membership Meetings!  Stay informed and vote on action items at our meetings, which are held over Zoom on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm.  Members receive Zoom invitations a couple days prior to each meeting.  If you're a member and not receiving these invitations, please email [email protected] to check what email we have on file.
    • Vote on a New Contract!  Check with your Member Action Teams and Chapter Chairs for information about the tentative agreement or view details here, and then VOTE on the agreement!


    Update History

    Proposal and Tenative Agreement History