Local 189's Executive Board is made up entirely of full-time City of Portland employees with "regular jobs" just like any other member. Although they do receive a small stipend to offset the costs associated with the countless hours they dedicate to union work, they are primarily volunteers, not union employees. They have diverse backgrounds and interests, but they share a common passion for advancing, defending and preserving the common good of workers through solidarity, constructive collective action, and collective bargaining. Executive Board members are democratically elected by their fellow Local members and serve two-years terms of office. Any member in good standing is eligible to be nominated, and potentially elected, to serve in any Executive Board office (must be a member for at least two years for some offices, one year for others).
There are seven Executive Officers (Executive Committee members) who serve along with ten Chapter Chairs on the full Executive Board. We may have up to three trustees who serve overlapping terms. AFSCME officers take an oath of service, and have a fiduciary duty to our members. This means we may only act in ways that protect our members' collective interests. Check out some of our current Executive Board at our 2023 E-Board Retreat.
Our union family is also supported by a paid staff member, a Council Representative, from Oregon AFSCME Council 75. Our Council Rep assists our member leaders in the running of our union, including with bargaining and grievances.
Not sure where to start? Contact the Member Services Center to connect with a member leader steward near you, to have quick answers to basic questions, or to otherwise get directed to the right person.